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Borderline (Almaguin Highlands)

Borderline (Almaguin Highlands): Collective counter mapping through sonic geographies by Jessica Thompson

Example of a map showing sounds heard during a walk in South River.

Borderline is a critical mapmaking project that uses sound to illuminate social and economic differences in local geographies. Visitors to the NAISA North Media Arts Centre are invited to contribute to a large-scale soundmap of the Almaguin Highlands by borrowing a toolkit to map sounds in one of the villages of their choice, or by using the Borderline mobile app. The sounds collected will be added to the map on an ongoing basis.

The Borderline iOS app enables users to automatically map sounds in their environment, put them in dialogue with other forms of data, and generate interactive soundscapes by playing sounds back into the environment. Click Here to Download the Borderline iOS app.


Map displaying all of the sounds marked on walks in Almaguin Highlands. Zoom or navigate directly in this window.