NAISA Radio broadcasts experimental radio art and sound art 24/7 and is a production of New Adventures in Sound Art in South River, Ontario, Canada.
The Wire – Adventures in Sound and Music included NAISA Radio in their 100 essential radio stations: “The broadcasting wing of New Adventures in Sound Art organization presents round-the-clock broadcasts of soundscape works, electroacoustic composition, field recordings, sound art, collage, and other extra-musical trips exploring new adventures in listening.” – The Wire (Issue 449), July 2021
NAISA Radio Schedule
All Times listed are EDT/EST (UTC-4)
00:00 – Radio in Transformation
Canadian and International radio art curated by NAISA in 2020 on the theme Transformation.
02:00 – Cross Waves
Cross Waves is a Canadian Sound Art series of internet radio programs curated by eight media artists representing various regional and cultural perspectives in Canada. Editions are curated by Chantal Dumas, Steve Bates, Peter Courtemanche, Janna Graham, Christof Migone, and Anna Friz.
07:00 – Words & Sounds
Canadian and International radio art curated and hosted by Canadian media artist Victoria Fenner.
08:00 – Undo-Redo
Canadian and International radio art curated by NAISA in 2014 on the theme Undo-Redo. Many of the works can also be heard on NAISA’s Deep Wireless Radio Art Compilation Albums.
09:00 (Mon-Wed) – The Place of Sound
The Place of Sound is a radio show/podcast produced by Dr. Vincent Andrisani that explores the idea of ‘place’ through the ears of students. It is produced in the Communication and Media Studies program at Carleton University, it airs bi-weekly on CKCU FM (Carleton campus radio), and is available as a podcast. The show launched in February 2021 and since January 2022 the production has been student led. It often features soundscapes and radio documentaries reflecting on the theme of Home.
09:00 (Thurs-Sun) – Sonic Geography
Sonic Geography is a hour of sound art curated in 2013 by Kate Evans on the theme of Sonic Geography.
10:00 – conscient
conscient on NAISA Radio combines all of the episodes from the conscient podcast by composer Claude Schryer. conscient is made through a personal learning journey and knowledge sharing exercise that features conversations, newsletters, monologues and/or creations about art and the ecological crisis. Season 1 (May – October 2020) was about awareness and action. Season 2 (March – August 2021 ) explored perceptions of reality and ecological grief. Season 3 (October 2021 – February 2022) investigated radical listening. Season 4 (1 January – 31 December 2023) is called ‘sounding modernity’ and explores what modernity sounds like, how it affects us and how to ‘create the conditions for other possible worlds to emerge in the wake of what is dying’ as suggested in ‘Preparing for the end of the world as we know it’ article by the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures collective. For subscription options see : The conscient podcast follows up on his previous podcast simplesoundscapes which airs at 1 pm on Sundays on NAISA Radio.
Le balado conscient est un voyage d’apprentissage personnel et un exercice de partage des connaissances du compositeur Claude Schryer qui présente des conversations, des bulletins d’information, des monologues et/ou des créations sur l’art et la crise écologique. La saison 1 (Mai – Octobre 2020) portait sur la sensibilisation et l’action. La saison 2 (Mars – Août 2021) a exploré les perceptions de la réalité et le deuil écologique. La saison 3 (Octobre 2021 – Février 2022) a porté sur l’écoute radicale. La saison 4 (1er Janvier – 31 Décembre 2023) s’intitule ‘Sonder la modernité’ et explore ce à quoi ressemble la modernité, comment elle nous affecte et comment ‘créer les conditions pour que d’autres mondes possibles émergent dans le sillage de ce qui est en train de mourir’, comme suggéré dans l’article ‘Preparing for the end of the world as we know it’ par le collectif Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures. Pour des options d’abonnement voir: Le balado conscient fait suite à son précédent balado paysagesonoresimples, diffusé à 13 heures le dimanche sur NAISA Radio.
11:00 (Mon-Fri) – Soundscapes
Canadian and International soundscape compositions curated and hosted by Canadian media artist Victoria Fenner.
11:00 (Sat-Sun) – simplesoundscapes
This hour features simplesoundscapes by Claude Schryer, which are short 3-minute soundscape recordings without narration beyond a one-word title and a short poem. They were made between September 7, 2017 and July 7, 2019. The audio recordings are presented ‘as is’ (creative work takes place during the recording process). This time slot also includes from time to time Schryer’s simplesoundscapes afield, which are three 57 minute radio compositions written for the framework radio program. The versions for framework add narration by Schryer along with added narration by his son Riel, wife Sabrina and daughter Clara. The second episode is inspired by the late indigenous writer Richard Wagamese. In particular the passage from his unfinished novel Starlight, ‘she focused on that tiny point of light and pushed her hearing out through it’. Special thanks to Patrick McGuinley from framework.
12:00 (Mon-Wed) – Long Form
This program provides an outlet for more extended sonic explorations and deeper dives into subjects.
12:00 (Thur-Sun) – Constellations
NAISA is honored to share radio art works made for the Constellations podcast series. Constellations is a sound art and experimental narrative collective co-founded by Michelle Macklem and Jess Shane. They feature a wide-range of audio works in their series that unravel the distinctions between experimental documentary, sound art, soundscapes, fiction, and music. The pieces they air encourage listeners to expand their conception of narrative, musicality and attention.
13:00 (Thurs-Sat) – Digital in Nature
Canadian and International radio art curated by NAISA in 2021 on the theme of Digital in Nature. Many of the works can also be heard on NAISA’s Deep Wireless 16 Radio Art Compilation Album.
13:00 (Sun) – Café Acousmatic
Café Acousmatic: the finest blend of electroacoustic music, sound art, and 3D immersive audio. Hosted by Don Hill, musician, broadcaster, man about the planet, Café Acousmatic is your entre to the aural pleasures of electroacoustic music and sound art of every sort. Complemented by interviews with music-makers, contemporary composers, and sonically pleasing new & vintage releases, Café Acousmatic is a special treat for headphones and walkabouts. Life is smoother at Café Acousmatic.
14:00 (Mon-Wed) – Remote Connections
Canadian and International radio art curated by NAISA in 2023 on the theme Remote Connections. Many of the works can also be heard on NAISA’s Deep Wireless 17 Radio Art Compilation Album.
14:00 (Thurs-Sun) – Reimagine
Canadian and International radio art curated by NAISA in 2024 on the theme Reimagine. Many of the works can also be heard on NAISA’s Deep Wireless 18 Radio Art Compilation Album..
15:00 (Mon-Fri) – Making Waves
Making Waves is a show about radio art and sound art produced by New Adventures in Sound Art’s Artistic Director Darren Copeland for WGXC Wave Farm. The show includes interviews with Canadian, US, and international artists creating sound-based media art. It focuses on their techniques, processes, and motivations. The show also includes playback of recorded performances and profiles on longer form sound art and radio art works. Making Waves is about what is happening in sound-based media art in the here and now from a northern perspective.
15:00 (Sat-Sun) – Sound as Art / Art on Air
Darren Copeland curates archived broadcasts from the Sound as Art program, which picked up and continued the Art on Air show at CKLN Radio in Toronto until the closure of the Ryerson University-based FM station in 2011. Sound as Art and its predecessor included interviews with artists in the Toronto community and also included in-studio sound improvisations. Sound as Art was collectively produced with contributions by Darren Copeland, Andrew O’Connor, Katie Kotler, Ansley Moorehouse and EC Woodley.
16:00 (Mon-Thurs) – EARS HAVE EYES
Evolving out of experimental art series The Hibernation Project, EARS HAVE EYES is an auditory exhibition space for sound art on the radio. Named for the intersensorial experience of navigating wild spaces at night (when our ears prick like eyes squinting into the darkness) EARS HAVE EYES asks: what can the invisibility of sound illuminate? How does the intimacy of listening open our eyes to ideas we might otherwise overlook? What can sonorous spaces hold that physical spaces cannot? How do we look with our ears, and listen with our eyes? Hosts Caitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett curate the programs from calls for submissions organized thematically and exploring spatial soundscapes, auditory aesthetics, spoken word, noise, poetry, experimental compositions, and interviews among others. EARS HAVE EYES comes to NAISA Radio courtesy of CJSW 90.9 FM in Calgary/Mohkinstsis and Golden Co-op Radio on Ktunaxa Territory in Beautiful British Columbia. Each episode is available on Apple Podcasts.
16:00 (Fri-Sun) – The Conduction Series
A core group of sound and transmission artists from Boulder (CO), Santa Cruz (CA), Buffalo (NY), Vancouver (Canada), and Buenos Aires (Argentina) come together with other remote participants to create a monthly live radio series using the platform “Mezcal” developed by August Black. The Conduction Series airs on NAISA Radio as archived performances originally broadcast on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM Radio for Open Ears in New York’s Upper Hudson Valley. For more information, visit
17:00 – Off the Beat(en) Track
Canadian and International radio art curated by NAISA in 2019 on the theme Off the Beat(en) Track. Many of the works can also be heard on NAISA’s Deep Wireless Radio Art Compilation Albums.
18:00 (Mon-Fri) – Radio Art in Discussion
NAISA hosted annual radio art conferences and symposia from 2003 to 2014. This program includes keynotes, lectures and panel discussions from the Radio Without Boundaries Conference and the TransX Transmission Art Symposium.
18:00 (Sat-Sun) – iMMERSE!
iMMERSE! is a replay of a podcast series by Charlie Morrow that is about spatial sound and immersive forms of art presentation. Episode highlights include two documentaries about Ambisonics founder Michael Gerzon along with many insightful interviews with distinguished artists, scientists, programmers and engineers from many different fields who all approach the topic of sound immersion in their uniquely individual ways. iMMERSE! is a great primer for newcomers to spatial sound and also has lots of deep back story for those who are already immersed. The podcast series is produced by Charlie Morrow, Sean McCann and bart plantenga for MorrowSound (Vermont and Helsinki) and Recital Edition (Los Angeles).
View Biographies
20:00 (Mon-Fri) – The Moderns
Contemporary music from everywhere with host Kevin Press. Electronic music, sound art, new classical, free jazz and more. The program’s emphasis is on new releases and artist interviews. Presented courtesy of Radio Regent and
20:00 (Sat-Sun) – Music, Or Noise?
Click Here for Episodes 1-39 of Music, or Noise?
From Vancouver Bepi Crespan brings you a two hour snapshot of the latest in experimental composition, field recordings, and sound exploration from Canada and around the world. Also don’t miss Bepi Crespan Presents on CITR Radio every Friday at 11 am EST for Difficult music, harsh electronics, cut-up/collage and general CRESPAN© weirdness.
22:00 – EBFN Radio
Erik Belgum’s EBFN Radio is a fiction variety show influenced by neurological and psychological research protocols, Robert Ashley, Ernie Kovacs, speech pathology, Second City Television, noise music, P.T. Barnum, test patterns, Vic and Sade, and William Burroughs. Writes Belgum, “If my timing feels way off, well, that’s on you. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll feel like you’re going to throw up for hours and hours, but in a good way. In any case, it’s a win-win for me.”
23:00 – Almaguin Community Soundscapes
One hour of spring soundscape recordings made in the Eastern part of Parry Sound District of Ontario or what is locally known as the Almaguin Highlands. In the spring of 2023 NAISA invited local residents to place a bird feeder on their home property. Inside that bird feeder was an audio recorder that captured the overnight soundscapes of spring. You will hear many of the key voices of the local soundscape in our region – peepers, woodpeckers, Canada geese, and other more surprising sounds. Visit the aporee sound map to experience more recordings from Almaguin Highlands Community Soundscapes.