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Outdoor Installations

The outdoor space is animated with outdoor sound installations including the Decomposing Piano and the listening pipes for Sensation of Distribution by Mitchell Akiyama and Brady Peters.  There is space for more future installations in behind the building.

Detached single floor building with peaked roof and ramp. Adjacent is the decomposing piano and white plumbing vents positioned in unusual locations.

NAISA North Media Arts Centre

Indoor Gallery

The Indoor Gallery at NAISA is a naturally lit rectangular space supported with flexible multi-channel audio and video displays that function in bright spaces.

Adult male standing with hands on a customized joystick and trackball controller and speakers and video displays in the background.

Colin Frank playing his installation

chairs and speakers in a gallery with tree like light pattern.

Listening environment for Wild Empathy

Rotary Telephone on a black podium with windows, chairs and loudspeakers.

O telephone by Don Ritter

Cafe chairs and tables amidst record players and mini TV display.

Helios by Dan Tapper

The gallery exhibition area is approximately 21’6″ x 13′ 1 1/4″ x 10′ and is located adjacent to the Café serving area.

Architectural drawing of Exhibition area.

Diagram of Gallery

Woman with black framed glasses touching drawings of insects on a table.

Kristine Diekman playing Secret Reception.

Chairs and Small loudspeakers on stands in a gallery.

Exhibition and serving areas with speakers and chairs.